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Future Ready for All!

Norwalk Public Schools provides an excellent and equitable education so ALL students graduate future ready as civically responsible, globally engaged and positive contributors to an ever-changing and diverse world.

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It Takes a Village

Norwalk Public Schools is building a more equitable and just world where each and every Norwalk student is prepared for all aspects of life.

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Portrait of a Graduate

Introducing the
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Our world is rapidly changing. Many of our young students will be working in jobs that don't yet exist and solving problems that we can’t even imagine. How can we prepare our students to be Future Ready?

That’s where the Portrait of a Graduate comes in!

NPS Portrait of a Graduate represents our community's dreams for our young people and the essential skills they need to thrive in the future. It's all about helping our students develop the skills they need to succeed in their own unique ways.

Visit the Portrait of a Graduate website to learn more!