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Educational Equity

Equity Statement

The Norwalk Board of Education firmly believes in the potential of all students to learn and succeed. We support equity, diversity and inclusion as fundamental values of our school district to ensure access for ALL scholars.   

We stand united in respecting people of all backgrounds and identities, welcoming all races, socio-economic statuses, genders, gender identities or expressions, sexual orientations, religions, nationalities, citizenship statuses and disabilities. Our schools are safe and welcoming environments for all. We are dedicated to fostering authentic relationships with all members of our school community, including culturally diverse families, and will communicate with clarity and respect. 

To prepare our students to succeed in a multi-cultural, global society, we support our schools in teaching the contributions and viewpoints of all people, using culturally relevant curricula.

Race/ethnicity, language or socio-economic status will not be barriers to accessing academic, social-emotional and extra-curricular opportunities. The Board believes that a high quality school district provides equitable opportunities, policies, facilities and experiences that produce meaningful outcomes for ALL scholars. 

Equity and Disproportionality Study

Dr. Edward Fergus, Associate Professor of Urban Education and Policy, and Director, Disproportionality and Equity Lab, with the Temple University research team, conducted a fourmonth examination of community and school staff perception of educational equity experiences and needs at Norwalk Public Schools (NPS). The project involved gathering data via survey and focus groups with staff, students, and parents and community members. The Temple University research team commenced the project in late September 2020 and concluded data collection in mid-December 2020. We gathered surveys from nearly 1,900 parents and community members and 320 school staff, and conducted over 35 focus groups and 20 interviews with nearly 140 parents and community members, 17 school administrators, and 40 school staff.

Please click here to view the Norwalk Equity Report: Community and Staff Perception of Diversity and Inclusion

To view the Presentation on Equity in NPS, please click here