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NPS Graduation Requirements

Credit Requirements for Graduation

Norwalk Public Schools requires that students fulfill the following requirements in order to graduate. Students must complete credit requirements.

Class of 2022 and Beyond (26 credit requirement)

Same basic requirements as the Classes of 2020 and 2021, and 1.0 credit is added to fulfill the Capstone Requirement (mastery-based diploma assessment).

                + 1.0 Capstone Experience 

26.0 Total Credits Required for Graduation 

Digital Literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create content using information technologies and the internet. *Requirement: Students must complete at least 0.5 credit in one of the following courses to demonstrate proficiency in Digital Literacy prior to graduation.  Business: Computer Applications, Web Page Design, Advanced Computer Applications,

Computer Construction and Repair, CISCO Networking 1, Honors CISCO Networking 2, Honors Computer Science Essentials

(PLTW), Honors Computer Science Principles (PLTW), Video Game Design, Honors Accounting 2; Mathematics: Computer Science 1, Computer Science 2, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Computer Science A; Engineering (Science): All Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Courses not including those in the MHAArt: Graphic Art and Design, Honors Photography 4, Digital Video and Animation 1 and 2, DMCA Portfolio/Web Design, Audio Design and Development, Advanced Media Studies, Communication through Graphic Design; English: Digital Storytelling (NHS), DMCA Film Production; Social Studies: Social Media Impact, Broadcast Journalism 1, Broadcast Journalism 2. [Multiple courses are unique to only one of the high schools.]

Physical Education and Health

Students in the Class(es) of 2020 and 2021 who earned a quarter (.25) credit in Physical Education or Health I courses, are not required to repeat the said courses to meet the new graduation requirement. 

World Language

Students in the Class of 2020 who have earned two (2) credits in a World Language are not required to take an additional World Language credit to meet the new graduation requirement; however, the district strongly recommends that students consider enrolling in year three of a World Language credit.

Capstone Experience

Beginning with the Class of 2022, all students must successfully complete a Capstone Experience, which will count as their mastery-based diploma assessment prior to graduation. Each Capstone must include the following required components:

1.        Proposal 

a.        Structured exploration (grades 9 and 10)

b.        Notification of deadline to parents/guardians (grade 11)

c.        Essential questions/thesis (start of semester 2 in grade 11)

d.        Honors option declaration if applicable

2.        Ongoing reflection

a.        Choices for reflection (minimum entries to be determined between 9-18)

i.        Social media (Blog…etc.)

ii.      Journal/Electronic (Naviance with artifacts)

b.        Mentor with required “check-ins”

i.        Regularly (monthly or quarterly - process established by mentor) ii.       Advisory/House time utilized

3.        Research

a.        Annotated bibliography/works cited (in conjunction with Library Media Specialist)

i.        5-6 primary and secondary sources (Follow provided format, peer review article is honors option) b.   Community involvement (must do one of the following)

i.     Field study (minimum 3 hours, 10 hours for honors option) ii.              Interviews with experts/professionals in area of study (minimum 2 interviews, 4 for honors option)

4.        Product

a.        Can include, but not limited to one of the following: internship with specific evidence (mentor will provide examples); film; paper, work of art (music, art); event; products evaluated by content-specific certified staff.

5.        Exhibition/Presentation

a.        Modes of presentation with scoring (Audience of peers, parent/guardian, and/or faculty)

i.        Demonstration of awareness of that audience

b.        Question and answer session (Exit interview with peer or faculty)

c.        Includes portfolio containing all of the components of the Capstone Experience

General Overview

•       Exploration in grades 9-10: Interest survey, course selection process, seminars, research in advisory/house

•       Assessment: One rubric containing all 5 components with descriptors (proposal, ongoing reflection, research, product, exhibition)

•       Timeline: Most students will complete it in the winter of grade 12, others in the spring. Students have the option of completing it during grade 11 if they choose.

Credit System

All subjects at the high school level are assigned units of credit values based on the Carnegie Unit System. The number of class sessions and the amount of preparation necessary to achieve a satisfactory standard of performance determine these values. They are equivalent to those assigned by other secondary schools. Every course taken in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 becomes part of the student’s official high school record. This record of credits and grades earned determines a student’s average, rank in class, and qualifications for promotion and graduation.

Starting with the Class of 2020, students successfully completing Algebra 1, Geometry and/or World Language in grade 8, will count towards the high school graduation requirement. However, courses completed in middle school are not included in the high school cumulative grade point average.