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Welcome to the mathematics section of the Norwalk Public Schools website.  Our mathematics program aims to provide all students with the mathematical concepts and skills needed to be productive members of society. Our instructional goal and philosophy is to infuse Jo Boaler's mathematical mindset into our practices for teaching and learning. In addition, we aim to provide all students with the ability to move from concrete, visual, and abstract understandings of mathematics to communicate their thoughts and ideas.

The curriculum and instruction in elementary, middle and high school math is focused on computational thinking/problem solving using number talks, collaborative sharing of multiple strategies, and synthesis to allow students the ability to reflect on the process of why and how. Our curriculum frame follows Larry Anisworth's Rigorous Curriculum Design Model and is written by Norwalk Public School teachers. The curriculum is rooted in the Common Core State Standards and blends the 8 Mathematical Practices Standards

Please see below for a parent guide to each math curriculum from kindergarten to high school.

Maintain and improve your child's math skills over the summer

Over the summer, NPS encourages families to utilize the Governor's Math Challenge! In this challenge, families will find access to Khan Academy, which helps students prepare for third grade through high school. Information is also available for parents and tasks for different activities.

Summer is also a great time to practice math fluency. Families can accomplish this with board games and card games, flash cards, and many different websites. See below for some online math options.

Parent Guides to the Math Curricula


The curriculum and instruction in elementary, middle and high school is hands-on and centered around the process of science. Each unit or course follows a storyline leading with a real world phenomena to unravel disciplinary core ideas covering physical, earth & space, life, and engineering, technology & applications of science each year.

Please see below for a parent guide to each science curriculum from kindergarten to high school.

Parent Guide to the Science Curriculum

For additional information, please contact:


Misty Hofer

Assistant Education Administrator for

