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Norwalk Public Schools Celebrates the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Norwalk Public Schools Celebrates the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
NPS Communications

On Monday, Jan. 20, Norwalk Public Schools students and staff brought the community together to celebrate the enduring legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The morning began with a community breakfast hosted by Grace Baptist Church in Norwalk. Community members gathered together in the spirit of unity, and funds raised by the breakfast went toward the MLK Scholarship Fund.

A special thank you goes to the Norwalk High School Boys Basketball team that served, cleared tables, helped with set up and anything else that was needed!

The NPS Student and Staff Program showcased musical performances and artwork by NPS students. Audiences heard from keynote speaker Howard White, a member of the Norwalk Board of Education. High school seniors were also celebrated for receiving the Dr. Martin Luther King Service Award.

"So proud of our students. There were so many staff who assisted in making this event happen," said Dr. Lynne Moore, principal of Norwalk High School. "We have a wonderful and supportive village."

The celebration concluded in the evening at Norwalk city Hall with a keynote address by Rev. Darien Jones from Bethel AME Church in Stamford, CT.