Why I Teach - Lindsay Martinez Paredes Interviews...
Learn more about Norwalk High School educators in a new series from NPS Communications Department intern Lindsay Martinez Paredes, "Why I Teach - Lindsay Martinez Paredes Interviews..."
In this interview series, Lindsay, a junior at Norwalk High School, asks the educators of her school what they enjoy most about working at NHS, when they were most proud to be an educator, and who is their hero or inspiration. They also share with Lindsay what they do to take care of their mental health.
Next up, Dr. Chelsey Docimo.
Chelsey Docimo
Dr. Chelsey Docimo has been a school counselor at Norwalk High School for 17 years. She has a Master's degree in School Counseling and a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership.
Dr. Docimo enjoys spending time with her family, working out, and spending time outside on beautiful sunny days. Summer is her favorite season and she's looking forward to spending the upcoming season with her son who will be three years old this July.
What is special about Norwalk High School?
NHS has a ton of diversity, which I love. We have an eclectic range of clubs, sports, and career pathways, and we have a diverse population of students from different cultures, backgrounds and interests. The diversity inherent in NHS keeps my job interesting and allows me to continue to evolve to meet the different needs of students.
What is special about Norwalk Public Schools?
I think we have a great group of support staff members in the district who work together during professional development days and who also come together to help students and staff during crises, which is really great to witness. During these opportunities to gather with other counselors, social workers, etc., it is a nice time to convene and be inspired. I enjoy the time we get to spend with others in a similar profession to learn about the experiences that are the same and different and to try and grow from each other.
Tell me a time you were proud to be an educator.
During the pandemic, I think many families realized the value of the educator and the school system and how difficult our jobs can be on a day-to-day basis. The realization of the need for educators and school counselors, like myself, provided a sense of pride in the job that we do every day. It is not an easy job and to last within this field, you need to truly have a passion for helping students. I think this time reinforced the pride that I hold for my job.
Who is your hero? Who is your teaching inspiration? Why?
My hero and teaching inspiration is my mother. Especially after having a child myself, I truly realize the amount of time, teaching, caring, and sacrificing go into raising a child and I am eternally grateful to have my mother in my life, as she continues to inspire me and as she continues to be in the life of my child as well. She is a phenomenal mother, woman, and grandmother and I love her dearly.
How do you take care of your mental health?
Sometimes I do wish there was more time to take care of my own mental health - at least I wish there was more time for me to sleep, lol. But I try to exercise 2-3 times a week and during school vacations, I try to get a massage. I also pray every morning, night, and throughout the day and this also helps me to be grateful and it contributes to a positive mental health.