Finance / Purchasing
The District Finance Department provides essential finance support services to the Norwalk Public Schools, so that the District as a whole can advance its vision and mission relative to student learning. The support services that our department provides represent a critical component of keeping the Norwalk Public Schools operating from a business perspective. Our services fall into four broad areas: Budgeting, Grants & Financial Reporting; Purchasing & Procurement; Payroll, and Accounts Payable.
The District’s budget function encompasses the local operating budget, various State and federal grants, and capital project budgeting. The work includes budget preparation and adoption, budget monitoring and execution, and monthly and year-end financial reporting & auditing. The Purchasing & Procurement function includes preparation of bids and Request-for-Proposals, requisition and purchase order processing, and purchase close out. The District Payroll Office is responsible for preparing and running the weekly and bi-weekly payrolls, processing various payroll deductions, and filing necessary documentation with federal and state tax authorities and the State Teacher Retirement Board. And finally, the Accounts Payable function is responsible for approving invoices for payment, and pre-processing invoice payments for submission to the City Comptroller.
Please view and download:
- W-9 Form (New Companies To Norwalk Public Schools Only)
- ACH Vendor Form
Please see and download our Tax Exempt Certificate
Frequently Asked Questions:
To whom should my company send invoices to?
- Please send all invoices for Norwalk public schools to Accounts Payable
Where may I direct questions about an invoices and purchase orders?
- For invoice questions please reach out to
- For Purchase order questions please reach out to