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NPS 2025-26 Budget

Norwalk Public Schools has made steady progress over the last five years, and that success stems from our commitment to our mission: to provide an excellent and equitable education so all students graduate future ready. As we developed the budget for FY 2025-26, each of our decisions was grounded in our strategic plan and the five strategic priorities that are interwoven into everything we do.

Most importantly, this work was grounded in our 'why' — our scholars.

The progress seen so far is no accident. It results from strategic and deliberate investments in resources that meet the diverse needs of our students. However, sustaining and building on this success requires continued support and commitment. To pause or reduce these efforts would risk undoing our hard-won gains and limiting opportunities for our scholars.

With this in mind, Superintendent Dr. Estrella and her team presented the Superintendent’s Recommended General Fund Operating Budget of $255.96 million for FY 2025-26. This proposal reflects thoughtful consideration of our district's priorities and the realities we face.

On Jan. 14, the Norwalk Board of Education approved the Superintendent's Recommended Budget, a $255.96 million Operating Budget reflecting a 9.7% to the General Fund from the previous year.

The requested budget addresses rising costs for special education services and out-of-district tuition, employee compensation and benefits, transportation and utilities, and the need to return key program funding to the local budget. It is a balanced approach aimed at maintaining the high-quality education and support services that our students, staff, and families rely on every day.

On Monday, Feb. 10, the Mayor recommended a City Budget of $450.48 million, which includes a 4% increase for Norwalk Public Schools. This is $13.26 million less than what the BOE approved. The BOE can only meet this budget target by making additional reductions from its initial request. These reductions will lead to the loss of essential positions at the school level, which will have serious long-term impacts.