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Teacher Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Program

Learning to teach is a developmental process that begins in preservice and continues throughout a teacher’s profession. The TEAM program pairs every new classroom teacher working under a CT initial or interim initial certificate with a trained mentor who provides support to the beginning teacher through the first years in the classroom.

The Mission of the TEAM Program

To promote excellence, equity and high achievement for Connecticut students by engaging teachers in purposeful exploration of professional practice through guided support and personal reflection.

What is the TEAM Program?

The TEAM Program is a process of continuous professional growth designed around five professional growth modules aligned to the Common Core of Teaching (CCT):

  1. Classroom environment
  2. Planning
  3. Instruction
  4. Assessment
  5. Professional responsibility

Depending on the beginning teacher’s area of certification (see appendix B of the TEAM program manual for details) and teaching assignment, they are required to complete up to five modules.

The Cycle of Continuous Professional Growth

Mentors and beginning teachers engage in a cycle of professional growth; together they reflect on practice, identify an area of need/growth, engage in professional learning, apply the new learning, and reflect on the impact on the teacher’s practice and student outcomes.

Each module is focused within the context of the teacher’s own students, subject, grade level, curriculum requirements and school and district goals. Teachers demonstrate completion of each module (Modules 1-4) through a reflection paper.

Module 5 - Professional Responsibilities is different from the other four modules, which are primarily classroom centered. To fulfill Module 5 requirements, teachers must engage in district-facilitated conversations that focus on ethical and professional dilemmas and their professional responsibility to students, the larger school/district educational community and to families.

Eligibility for Provisional Certification

Successful completion of the TEAM Program is required for eligibility to advance from an Initial Educator Certificate to a Provisional Educator Certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Who is required to participate in the TEAM program?

Answer: All beginning teachers who hold an initial educator certificate or interim initial educator certificate (full or part-time) in an endorsement area where they have responsibility for instructing students are required to participate in TEAM.

  1. Do teachers working under a durational shortage area permits (DSAPs), resident teaching certificates or adjunct arts instructor permits participate in TEAM?

Answer: No, they are not eligible to participate.

Teachers working under these permits/certificates have not fully completed requirements for the initial certificate. For this reason, these teachers will not participate in TEAM until the initial educator or interim initial educator certificate is issued. Although not required by TEAM Program guidelines, mentorship of these teachers is encouraged.

  1. Do teachers working under a temporary 90 day certificate participate in TEAM?

Answer: No, they are not eligible to participate until they have an initial educator certificate.

Teachers who are working under a 90 day certificate should receive support within the district where they are teaching, but they are not eligible to begin the TEAM process until they hold an initial educator certificate or interim initial certificate.

Please reach out to the TEAM District Facilitator, Kate Curran, and Scott Santaniello, TEAM District Facilitator Assistant, with any questions. 

TEAM Orientation is held in the fall, or beginning, of the school year. 

Click HERE for Beginning Teacher TEAM Documents 
