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Forms and Documents

Transportation is provided based on a family's officially registered address at the school. Students living outside of the state-required eligibility limits will receive transportation. Based on Board Policy transportation is not provided to care givers, after school programs or work locations. Please click here for more information on NPS School Bus Transportation.

NPS Transportation Eligibility Form

Please complete this entire form, please note that transportation requests will be reviewed based on the concerns that you include (i.e. safety, hazard, no sidewalks, traffic speed and volume, width of road, etc.). A preliminary evaluation will take place and a site survey will be conducted. You will be notified in writing once a decision has been made. Requests are reviewed based on safety first, not for convenience (i.e. caregiving, afterschool programs). Thank you.

NPS Transportation Eligibility Form – English

Formulario de Verificacion de Elegibilidad

Por favor llene este formulario completo. Tenga en cuenta que las peticiones serán revisadas basadas en las preocupaciones que incluya (ej. Seguridad, peligro, falta de banquetas, tráfico, velocidad y volumen, anchura de la carretera, etc.) Primeramente se hará una evaluación y luego se conducirá una encuesta del lugar. Usted será notificado por carta cuando se tome una decisión. Las peticiones revisadas serán basadas en la seguridad no por conveniencia. Gracias.

Formulario de Verificacion de Elegibilidad – Español

Bus Stop Addition/Change 

Please complete this entire formplease note that requests will be reviewed based on the concerns that are included (i.e. safety, hazard, no sidewalks, traffic speed and volume, width of road, etc.). First, a preliminary evaluation will be done, followed by a site survey. You will be notified in writing once a decision has been made. All requests are reviewed based on safety first; please be patient as this process may take up to 10 – 14 business days until a notification of the decision has been sent. Thank you.

NPS Bus Stop Addition/Change Request Form

Añadir/Cambiar Una Parada De Autobús 

Complete este formulario en su totalidad, por favor note que las peticiones serán revisadas basadas en las inquietudes que usted incluya (ej. Seguridad, peligro, falta de aceras, tráfico, velocidad y volumen, ancho de la carretera, etc.) Preliminarmente se hará una evaluación y luego se llevará a cabo una encuesta del lugar. Usted será notificado por escrito una vez se tome una decisión. Las peticiones son revisadas basadas primero en la seguridad; esto puede tomar de 10 – 14 días laborales hasta que usted reciba una notificación de la decisión. Gracias.

Formulario de Petición Para Añadir/Cambiar Una Parada De Autobús Escolar de NPS

Correspondence and requests may be sent in writing to:

Norwalk Public Schools Transportation Office

125 East Avenue - P.O. Box 6001 Norwalk, CT 06852

If you need additional information, you may contact the Norwalk Public Schools Transportation Office at 203-854-4074 or send an email to