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Safety Guidelines

Safety Guidelines for Elementary School Students

How do I ride the bus?

Safely by doing the following important tasks:

  • Greeting my driver with a smile
  • By walking up the stairs and down the aisle to my seat carefully and quietly
  • Sitting in my seat and keeping my legs, feet, arms and hands inside my seat
  • Keeping my hands and feet to myself and respecting my classmates’ space
  • Speaking in a respectful manner to my classmates and driver
  • No eating or drinking on the bus

Safety Guidelines for Middle and High School Students

Key Guidelines for Bus Riders (please see Student-Parent Transportation Guide for a complete list):

  • Before crossing in front of, or approaching a school bus: Make sure the red lights on top of the bus are flashing, all traffic is stopped, look both ways and cross at least ten feet in front of the bus.
  • Passengers must be at the bus stop at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time.  
  • The bus and bus stops are considered an extension of the school facility/classroom, students are expected to maintain the same behaviors and are subject to applicable regulations under BOE policy.  
  • This pass must be swiped upon entering and exiting the bus, for the morning and afternoon ride. 
  • Possession of tobacco/vaping products on the school bus is prohibited.
  • Passengers must remain seated, calm, and quiet while riding on the school bus.  Based on State of CT DOT requirements, all exits and aisleways must remain clear at all times.  Please keep your hand and feet inside your seated area. 
  • Bus riding privileges may be suspended by your principal for misconduct.
  • Damaged or lost passes must be replaced at a cost of $1.00

Contact Us

125 East Avenue - P.O. Box 6001 Norwalk, CT 06852 | Phone: 203-854-4074 | Email: