NPS Workforce Development Volunteer Experiences
NPS Workforce Development
Norwalk Public Schools is proud to bring their scholars and families a series of volunteer experiences through the NPS Workforce Development Volunteerism Series. This is a time for your NPS scholar and/or family member to explore their interests and passions, while giving to others! For more information on each experience, please click on the links below for all the details you need to get started. Be sure to check back often for new and exciting experiences!
NPS Workforce Development Volunteer Experiences
- ALZ Stars Alzheimer’s Association the for Grades 5+ | English
- Animal Husbandry Volunteers Ages 18+, Apply Here.
- Bilingual or Multilingual Volunteer Virtually or In-Person with Norwalk Hospital Ages 15+ | English/Spanish
- Build a Housewarming Basket with the Open Doors Shelter Grades 3+, Apply Here
- Calling All Buddies for a Night to Shine Ages 14+ | English
- Caregiver Support Group Facilitator Alzheimer’s Association Ages 21+ | English
- Community Educators Alzheimer’s Association Ages 21+ | English
- Community Representatives Alzheimer’s Association Ages 21+ | English
- Early Stage Social Engagement Leaders Alzheimer’s Association Ages 21+ | English
- Education Conservation Heritage & Outreach (ECHO) Teen Program with the Maritime Aquarium Ages 14 - 18, Apply Here.
- Express Lane Ages 15+ with the Open Doors Shelter for Ages, Apply Here
- Gallery Ambassador Ages 18+ with Maritime Aquarium, Apply Here
- Guest Services Ages 16+ with the Maritime Aquarium, Apply Here
- Oh Kale Yeah with the Open Doors Shelter, Apply Here
- Language Translator/Interpreter Grades 11+ with the Alzheimer’s Association | English
- Legislative Advocate Grades 9+ with the Alzheimer’s Association | English
- Marine Mammal Volunteer Ages 18+ with the Maritime Aquarium, Apply Here
- Mobile Food Pantry Ages 16+ with Filling in the Blanks | English & Spanish
- Shop ‘Til Ya Drop AGes 15+ with the Open Doors Shelter, Apply Here
- The Longest Day Planning Committee Virtually Grades 9+ with the Alzheimer’s Association | English
- Walk to End Alzheimer’s Planning Committee Virtually Grades 9+ | English
- Walk to End Alzheimer’s Event Day Volunteer Grades 9+ | English
- Westport Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Volunteer Ages 14 - 18, Apply Here